Mushroom Popcorn Kernels (Zea mays everta).​​
A rich orange kernel, with exceptional kernel size and high percentage of ball
and mushroom flake kernels when popped. Ideal for kettles and coatings such as caramel.
Bag sizes and Packing Options
20kg Polypropylene Bags
500kg Bulk Bags
1,000kg Bulk Bags
Key Specifications
Moisture 12.5-14.5%
Expansion Ratio 20:1 - 30:1, typically 26
Poppability Range 90 - 98%, typically 94%
Shape Approximately 80:20 ratio Mushroom
Count: Approximately 4190 kernels per kg
Allergens Free of multiple allergens
Shelf Life up to 24 months (under best practice storage conditions)
Gluten Free of Gluten​
For full specification sheet please contact us at: tom@nicolle.co.nz
GMO Free
This product has not been produced or derived from and genetically modified maize crops.